2. Tell the school board in writing
Question & Answer
What are the laws about homeschooling my child?If you plan on homeschooling your child, you should tell your local school board in writing. To do this you can:
- fill out and send in the school board's official homeschooling form, if they have one, or
- send a signed and dated letter to the school board.
If you're sending a letter, you can simply say you want to home school your child. You should include:
- your child's first and last name and date of birth
- your name, address, and telephone number
- the name of your local school board
Make sure to sign the letter and put the date.
You can also use this sample letter provided by the Ministry of Education or this sample letter provided by the Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents. If you use the Ministry's sample letter, you do not have to fill out the whole document. You only have to fill out the first page that has “Appendix B” at the top. The remaining pages are optional. Both sample letters ask for your child's gender, but you don't have to fill it out if you don't want to.
You should tell the school board in writing before September 1st of each school year. The school board should send back a letter confirming that they got your letter or form.