5. Pay spousal support

Usually is paid each month. In some cases, you can make one payment, called a “lump-sum” payment.

Support can be for a set period of time or it may not have an end date. This depends on the facts of your situation.

You can make spousal support payments by:

  • cash
  • cheque or money order
  • direct deposit
  • interac e-transfer

It's a good idea to keep a record of all the spousal support payments you make. For example, if you pay by cheque, keep a copy of the cancelled cheque each time you make a payment.

Paying taxes on the support you pay

If you have a or that says you pay monthly spousal support, you can deduct the amount you pay on your income taxes. Your partner must pay income tax on the monthly spousal support they receive.

If you pay spousal support all at once in a lump-sum, you cannot claim it as a deduction. And, your partner is not taxed on the one-time support payment they receive.

You are not paying support on time

If you miss payments, your partner can get help from the (FRO).

The FRO is a government agency that collects support directly from the person who has to pay support, keeps a record of the amounts paid, and then pays that amount to the person who has to get support.

If you have a court order, the court automatically sends the order to FRO for enforcement. If you have a separation agreement, it must be filed with the court and registered with the FRO for enforcement.

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