2. Learn when ODSP might pay money to a trustee
Question & Answer
Can ODSP pay my assistance to someone else for me?The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) can decide to pay your to a trustee. Step 3 has more details about trustees.
ODSP may do this if they decide that you need help to manage your money because you're likely to use your income support in a way that's not good for you or others in your household.
ODSP will ask you to agree about having a trustee. If you don't agree, they can still decide to pay your assistance to a trustee.
What ODSP looks at when they decide
When ODSP decides to pay your income support to a trustee, they look at things like:
- Have you asked for help managing your money?
- Does ODSP have reliable information from someone else that shows you need help managing your money?
- Do you often run out of money to buy food or pay your rent?
- Would it solve the problem if ODSP paid your rent or utilities directly to your landlord or the utility company?
ODSP can use information from other people, including:
- your family
- your friends and neighbours
- people who know you, for example, doctors or social workers