Contacting the LTB
The LTB now uses the Tribunals Ontario Portal. You should receive a letter with a file number and pin from the LTB, inviting you to use the portal. But you don't have to use the portal.
Be careful before you decide to log in to the portal. When you log in even once, the LTB will send all documents to you through the portal instead of by mail. This could include your Notice of Hearing. If you don't want them to send you documents this way, go to the file summary page on the portal. Uncheck the box saying you consent to communicate with the LTB through the portal. The LTB will now send you documents by mail.
The LTB counter services have been closed. You can call the LTB if you have general questions. And you can email the LTB to ask questions about your hearing or your . Make sure you include your LTB file number in your email subject line.
To send the LTB for your hearing, use the email