3. Register your child in school

To register your child in school, you usually need:

  • proof of your child's age, for example a birth certificate or passport or a certified copy, if the originals are with immigration officials
  • proof of address, for example a telephone bill, electrical bill, or apartment lease with your name and address
  • proof of guardianship if the child is under 18 years old and is not living with a parent
  • proof that your child has been immunized
  • your child's baptismal certificate from a Roman Catholic Church if you want your child to go to a Catholic school

Your child can still attend school even if these documents are not available. A school can't refuse to admit your children because you don't have:

  • proof of immigration status or proof that you've applied for status
  • a work permit or Social Insurance Number (SIN)
  • Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP) coverage

If you're having trouble registering your child in school, contact your local community legal clinic. A lawyer or paralegal there might be able to help.


In some school boards, newcomer children must go to reception centres to have their math and language skills tested.

This information helps teachers understand what your child has already learned so they can place your child in the right grade. This initial placement is not final. Schools will continue to watch a child's progress and can make changes over time.

If you have your child's previous report card, a textbook, or any other school information that might be helpful, it's a good idea to bring it to the reception centre.

If your child needs help with English, schools have special programs designed for people who are learning English. These are often called “English as a second language” (ESL) courses.

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