4. Learn about getting help with costs of working
Question & Answer
Can I work and get ODSP at the same time?Step 2 explains how work.
You might also be able to get the following from the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP):
- the Employment and Training Start Up Benefit, which is money to help pay for things you need to start working
- the Work-Related Benefit, which is an extra $100 each month because you're working or in a training program
- money to help pay for items and services you need because of your disability
Getting the Employment and Training Start Up Benefit
The Employment and Training Start Up Benefit is money to help with the costs of starting a new job, training program, or business of your own.
For example, you might be able to get money for:
- tools, equipment, and clothes for work
- travel costs related to preparing for or starting a new job
- fees to apply for a college or university program
- a licence that you need to work, such as in a skilled trade like a plumber or electrician
- a membership fee for an association
- eyeglasses
You apply by telling your ODSP worker what you need and giving them proof that you're starting a new job, training program, or business. For example, you might need a letter from your employer or a registration form for a training program.
If you qualify, you may be able to get up to $500 in any 12-month period. For example, if you start with the month of April, you could get up to $500 between April 1 and March 31.
Getting the Work-Related Benefit
You don't have to ask for the Work-Related Benefit or show how you spend it. ODSP adds it to your when you qualify.
But for each month that you work, you need to show ODSP proof that you worked. For example, you can give them a copy of your pay stub.
If you’re self-employed
You get the Work-Related Benefit each month when your is more than the total of:
- your business expenses, and
- any earnings exemptions.
Money for things you need because of your disability
You can ask ODSP for help to pay for items and services you need.
For example, you might need:
- specialized computer equipment and software
- sign language interpreters
- transportation services
- attendant care services