Tools & Resources
EI Benefits Estimator
Watch this video to learn if you can get EI when you quit your job
Write a letter to get your ROE
Use this tool to write a letter asking your employer for your ROE
Employment Insurance benefits
Learn about the different types of EI benefits
EI regular benefits: How much you could receive
Employment Insurance
Regular income benefits
Learn about programs that offer financial help
EI General Division: First level of appeal
EI Appeal Division: Your reasons for appealing
EI General Division: Your reasons for appealing
File an appeal – Canada Pension Plan or Employment Insurance
How to request leave to appeal (for all General Division decisions except summary dismissals)
Social Security Tribunal forms
Family Member Attestation for Employment Insurance Family Caregiver Benefits or Compassionate Care Benefits
Request for Reconsideration of an Employment Insurance (EI) Decision Form
Job Search: Find a job
Medical Certificate for Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefits
Authorization to Release a Medical Certificate for Employment Insurance
Critical illness leave
EI: Internet Reporting Service
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