Tools & Resources
About these flowcharts : Steps in a Family Law Case
Nshiimenhiig (My Sisters Toolkit)
14B Motion for Adjournment
Automatic Court Orders for Financial Disclosure
14B Motion for Substitute Service
Alternatives to Bringing a Motion to Change
Preparing to Bring a Motion to Change
Watch our videos on family law issues
Write a letter asking to have your court matter in French
Use this tool to create a letter that asks the court for your proceeding with a judge to be in French.
A Guide for Self-represented Family Litigants – What You Need to Know re: Appearances
Family Court and Beyond: A Survival Workbook for Women
Infographic – Relocation
Child protection flowcharts
Learn about the child protection process
Parenting Plan Guide and Template
Legal Aid Ontario – Serving court documents
Family Court Illustrations
See what a family courtroom looks like
Coping with the courtroom: A primer to help you navigate the written (and unwritten) rules of the courtroom
So you’re representing yourself: A primer to help you get ready to represent yourself in family or civil court
Pensions and marriage breakdown – a guide for members and their spouses