All questions by topic
Types of discrimination
Can a landlord ask me to stop smoking medical marijuana?
3,736What are my rights as a tenant if I have a disability?
9,997Can my employer tell me what to wear at work?
16,913Can I breastfeed in public?
7,011Can an employer make me take a drug or alcohol test?
10,422Can a landlord reject me because of where I’m from?
9,181Can a landlord reject me because I have children?
17,231What are my rights at work to do things to follow my religion?
8,672I’m an independent contractor with a disability. Do I have rights at work?
4,144I need to care for a family member. What does my employer have to do?
47,546I’m transgender or non-binary. What are my rights at work?
7,052I have a disability. What are my rights at work?
12,947Can an employer ask me if I have a police record?
31,209What can I do if I’m discriminated against because of my race?
2,385I have mobility issues. Does my landlord have to make adjustments to the rental unit for me?
3,317My employer keeps asking me when I’m going to retire. Can they do that?
3,622Discrimination at work
Can an employer ask me if I have a police record?
31,209Can an employer make me take a drug or alcohol test?
10,422Can my employer tell me what to wear at work?
16,913What if I’m not hired because an employer discriminates against me?
7,060What can I do if I experience discrimination?
34,208I have a disability. What are my rights at work?
12,947I’m an independent contractor with a disability. Do I have rights at work?
4,144What are my rights at work to do things to follow my religion?
8,672My employer keeps asking me when I’m going to retire. Can they do that?
3,622I need to care for a family member. What does my employer have to do?
47,546I’m transgender or non-binary. What are my rights at work?
7,052Can I breastfeed in public?
7,011Does my union have to accommodate me?
9,651How do I make a claim to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario?
46,877Discrimination in housing
What can I do if I experience discrimination?
34,208Can a landlord ask me to stop smoking medical marijuana?
3,736What information can a landlord ask me for when I apply for a place?
66,188What are my rights as a tenant if I have a disability?
9,997Can a landlord reject me because I have children?
17,231Can a landlord reject me because of where I’m from?
9,181What can I do if a landlord discriminates against me?
30,740How do I make a claim to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario?
46,877Discrimination in other places
Do doctors have to follow the Human Rights Code?
21,006What can I do if I experience discrimination?
34,208Can I breastfeed in public?
7,011How do I make a claim to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario?
46,877Human rights complaints
I want to make changes to my tribunal hearing. What can I do?
518What happens at an HRTO hearing?
2,018Does the Human Rights Tribunal offer mediation?
1,976What can I do if I experience discrimination?
34,208How do I make a claim to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario?
46,877My case is going to a hearing at the HRTO. How do I prepare?
1,849I was discriminated against. What are my options?