Can I get ODSP money while waiting for an ODSP appeal decision?

If you disagree with a decision about Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) , you may be able to appeal to the Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT).

To start your appeal, you complete the SBT's Appeal Form.

If you were on ODSP income support

If you're appealing a decision to cut off or reduce your ODSP income support, you can ask the SBT to order ODSP to pay you .

If the SBT decides that you can get interim assistance, they order your local ODSP office to pay it to you.

The amount of interim assistance you'll get is the same as what you were getting before ODSP cut off or reduced your income support.

Paying back interim assistance

Interim assistance that you get will be considered an if:

  • you don't go to your SBT hearing
  • you lose your appeal to the SBT

If your application for ODSP income support was refused

If you're appealing a decision refusing to give you ODSP income support, you can't get interim assistance from ODSP. But you can apply for assistance from Ontario Works while you wait.

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