Can I leave Ontario and still get OW?

Now, if you have a MyBenefits account, you must declare that you've not left Ontario for more than 7 days. You must do this each month through your MyBenefits account.

If you do not have a MyBenefits account, you do not have to do this.

To qualify for from Ontario Works (OW), you must live in Ontario.

But you may still be able to get assistance if you leave Ontario for a short time. This is usually no more than 7 days.

If you're gone for 7 days or less, OW won't cut off your assistance for being away.

Leaving Ontario for more than 7 days

It's best to ask OW for approval before you leave Ontario.

If you're away for more than 7 days without approval from OW, they will cut off your assistance.

If you're part of a , OW will reduce assistance that goes to the household by the amount that they pay for you. This includes the amount you get for housing.

And if they paid you assistance while you were outside Ontario for more than 7 days without their approval, they'll say that you have an .

Step 3 talks about getting help if you have a problem with OW.

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