1. Tell CAS you want more time
If you miss the deadline to and your Answer and Plan of Care, you should tell the (CAS) as soon as possible that you want to take part in the case. It's important to let CAS know that you want to respond to their Protection Application.
You can tell the CAS worker or lawyer in person, by phone, or in writing. If you tell them in person or by phone, it's also a good idea to tell them in writing so there's a record of what you said.
Tell them how much extra time you think you need and that you will ask the court for more time.
Try to finish your plan as soon as possible so that you can take part in the court case.
In a child protection case, CAS can't agree to give you more time. You must ask the court for more time to serve and file your Answer and Plan of Care. See Step 2.
But, it helps if the CAS agrees to give you more time. Tell the court if CAS agrees to do this.