5. Go to your court date

You may need to go to court a few times before your status review hearing. For example, you may have a first court date, a temporary care and custody hearing, and one or more conferences.

These court dates help you prepare for the status review hearing.

For any of your court dates, you should tell the court if you need an interpreter or have needs related to a disability.

At the status review hearing, the judge makes a decision based on the evidence you, the (CAS), and any other give the court.

A status review hearing can be a:

  • trial
  • for summary judgment, or


At a trial, the court makes a final decision after hearing the evidence, usually by hearing from witnesses.

There are 2 stages to a trial. First, CAS must prove that your child is a . If CAS proves this, the case moves to the second stage when the court decides what order to make in the .

Motion for summary judgment

A motion for summary judgment is where one asks the court to make a final decision, usually based only on written evidence. The party does this because they think their case is strong enough to get what they're asking for without going to trial.

Default hearing

A default hearing is when the court makes a final decision even though one party didn't give evidence. This can happen, for example, if one parent didn't respond in time to the court papers they got from CAS.


After the status review hearing, the judge can basically make any of the orders that they can make after a child protection hearing.

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