2. Fill out the right form
Question & Answer
How do I apply for a divorce by myself?In Ontario, there are 2 Family Law Forms that you can use to ask the court for a . The one you use depends on whether you're applying for a divorce only, or for a divorce and other claims, , , , , or . Decision-making responsibility and parenting time used to be called and .
Family Law Guided Pathways can help you fill out many of the forms you need for your family law court case.
You can get both forms from the courthouse or online. They are available in French and English.
Because you're the person asking the court for a divorce, you're called the . Your partner is called the because they're responding to your claim.
Form 8: Application (General)
Use Form 8: Application (General) if you want to ask the court for a divorce and other claims.
You may have to fill out more forms if you're asking for other things. For example:
- Form 35.1: Affidavit (decision-making responsibility, parenting time, contact), if you're asking for decision-making responsibility or parenting time. You have to answer some personal questions about your family situation and tell the court about your .
- Form 13: Financial Statement or Form 13.1: Financial Statement, if you're asking for child support, spousal support, or to divide property. You have to give information about your finances such as your income, living expenses, and and .
- Form 13A: Certificate of Financial Disclosure, if you're asking for child support, spousal support, or to divide property. You have to list all the documents that prove what you said in your .
- Support Deduction Order, if you're asking for support.
- Support Deduction Order Information Form, if you're asking for support.
Form 8A: Application (Divorce)
Use Form 8A: Application (Divorce) if you want to ask the court for a divorce only.
This form has 2 options:
- Simple (divorce only)
- Joint
Because you're applying for one by yourself, you check off the “Simple (divorce only)” box.
The only other claim you can make on this form is to ask for costs. This means asking the court to order your partner to pay your costs for asking for the divorce.