2. Look at the purchaser’s declaration

When the landlord applies to you, they must show the (LTB) an agreement of purchase and sale that's been signed by both the landlord and the purchaser.

Your landlord must also give the LTB a or from the person who wants to move into your rental unit, which states that they intend to move into your place. The declaration or affidavit must include the legal name of that person.

A declaration is a signed written statement. It's like an affidavit but does not have to be signed in front of a witness. An affidavit is a written statement that must be signed in front of a witness.

You can ask the LTB to send you a copy of these documents. Or, if you have a low income, you can call your local community legal clinic to see if they can help you.

At the hearing, you have the right to question the person who signed the declaration. Ask your landlord in writing to bring that person to the hearing.

If you're worried the person will not show up, you can ask the LTB to let you them. This means that the person must come to the hearing to answer questions.

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