5. Understand what happens at your judicial review hearing

You can go to the hearing to listen but you can't speak unless you're representing yourself. Representing yourself is very rare. It's very important to have a lawyer represent you with your application for judicial review.

Your judicial review application might be successful if you can show that a big legal or factual mistake was made. For example:

  • the decision-maker didn't understand or ignored the ,
  • the decision-maker used the law wrong,
  • the decision-maker did something that was not fair,
  • the process leading to the decision was not fair,
  • there is proof that the translation at your hearing was not accurate, or
  • the decision was based on documents that were not shared with you or your legal representative.

If you’re successful

If your judicial review application is successful, the court will cancel the decision then send your case back to be decided by a different decision-maker. The judge at your judicial review can't make a new decision.

If you’re not successful

If your judicial review application is not successful, the made against you usually becomes enforceable. This means the CBSA can start the process to remove you from Canada.

If you were granted a stay of removal while waiting for your judicial review hearing, the stay expires and your removal order becomes enforceable.

In some cases, you might be able to apply for a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment (PRRA) or for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds (H&C). Most failed refugee claimants must wait at least 12 months before they can make either a PRRA or an H&C application.

Get legal advice if you're in this situation.

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