2. Ask for a terms of payment hearing

If you want to ask for different terms of payment, you must fill out a Form 9B: Request to Clerk form and it with the court.

At the top of the Request to Clerk form, write the location of the Small Claims Court handling your claim and your claim number. This information can be found on the top of your other court forms.

Write the names exactly as they are shown in the original court forms.

Mark the checkbox labelled “schedule a terms of payment hearing because I dispute the 's proposed terms of payment contained.”

You can file your Form 9B: Request to Clerk:

You should only file your form in person if you have no other option. If you're filing online, keep all the original documents in a safe place. The court might ask you for them later.

The court has rules for how to name your form when you file it online. You must send the form in PDF format.

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