2. Fill out the application

The Parole Board of Canada website has a Cannabis Record Suspension Guide and Cannabis Record Suspension Application Form. You can view and print the forms here. The Application form must be filled out using block capital letters in blue or black ink.

Read all the steps before you start your application. If your application is incomplete or missing information, it might be sent back to you. Make sure you update the Parole Board if you move or change your contact information. If the Parole Board can't contact you or verify your information, they might not process your application.

You might have to complete up to 6 steps to apply for a :

Criminal record

To get a criminal record check, you will need to get your electronic fingerprints taken and submitted to the RCMP. Some police services can take and submit your fingerprints but, in some cases, you might have to use an accredited fingerprinting company. You can email the RCMP for a list of accredited fingerprinting companies. You can find out more about where to get a criminal record check here.

The RCMP will send you your criminal record. Check the record to make sure all your possession of cannabis convictions are included. It's your responsibility to send proof of all your convictions to the Parole Board in your application.

If any of your convictions are missing, you will need to get a Proof of Conviction for each conviction that was missed. To get a Proof of Conviction, you can either call the courthouse where you got or the police service that you.

The Proof of Conviction must show the:

  • date and court where you were sentenced
  • arresting police force

Local police record checks

A local police record check is different than your criminal record check. To get your local police records, ask the police department in the city or town where you currently live, not the RCMP.

You must also check with each city or town where you have lived for 3 months or more during the last 5 years. You will need to download a Local Police Records Check Form. Fill out the first page and have each local police service fill out the section “For Police Use Only.”

You will need to show the police service your criminal record check and two pieces of ID. Before you go in, you should call ahead to see what types of ID they accept.

Court information

If your criminal or local police record shows that you were only convicted of simple possession of cannabis and you were only sentenced to paying a fine or a victim surcharge, you don't need to get your court information. Sometimes, it's not clear from your criminal record that your conviction for possession was for cannabis and not for another drug. If your record is unclear, you must get your court information.

When you get your court information, make sure it shows proof and date of last payment for any or compensation. You will need to download a Court Information Form for each conviction and fill out questions 1 through 6.

You must go to the Court Administration Office in each courthouse where you were sentenced. Give the office staff a copy of your criminal record and the Court Information Form, and have them fill in the section “For Court Use Only”.

Ask for extra copies of your court information so you can keep one for yourself.

If the court information shows a conviction that's not on your criminal record, you'll need to ask for a Proof of Conviction. If the court information doesn't show that you paid your restitution, call the Parole Board at 1-800-874-2652.

Identification documents

Your application must include a photocopy of a valid government identification that shows your name, date of birth, and signature, like a driver's license or passport.

Military Conduct Sheet

If you are a current or past member of the Canadian Forces, your application must include a certified, signed, and dated copy of your Military Conduct Sheet. Current members should contact their commanding officer and past members should contact the government department listed here.

When you ask for your Military Conduct Sheet, make sure you say that you're asking for it because you're applying for a cannabis record suspension. Also make sure you include your:

  • first and last name
  • date of birth
  • military ID number or Service number
  • signature
  • enlistment and discharge dates

Include all your communications with these departments with your application.

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