4. Appear in mental health court
Question & Answer
How do I get into and complete mental health diversion?Each court has different rules about when you can go to mental health court. Some courthouses let you move your case into mental health court after you apply for mental health diversion even if you haven't been approved yet. Other courthouses only let you go to mental health court after you've been approved for mental health diversion.
If you have significant mental health issues and you're released on , you might already have a mental health worker for your bail. If so, you may be able to move your case directly into mental health court from bail court.
Once you're approved for mental health diversion, your mental health worker or your lawyer will tell you when you have to be in court and how to participate.
If you are approved for mental health diversion, you may have to return to mental health court many times. At each court appearance, you or your lawyer will speak with the mental health worker or the Crown outside the courtroom. This is to talk about your progress and to suggest the next court date.
Then you go into the courtroom and update the judge about your progress. Your lawyer, , or the mental health worker gives an update to the judge. You can also bring a community worker, friend, or family member to support you.
In some courts, after you're approved for diversion, your case is put on hold for several months so that you can complete your treatment or mental health program.
In many other courts, you must return to mental health court about once a month to give the judge an update on your progress. Updating the judge helps to make sure you stay on track.
It's important that you attend court on time and on schedule. If you don't, the judge can order the police to you and bring you to court. You may also get another criminal for failing to attend court. If you keep missing court, you can be kicked out of mental health diversion.