1. Find out what laws apply to you

Ontario's (ESA) has rules about pay.

But not all jobs are covered by the ESA. And, in some cases, only parts of the ESA apply.

Read the Ministry of Labour's Industries and Jobs with Exemptions or Special Rules to find out:

  • if your job is covered by the ESA, and
  • which parts of the ESA apply.

You can also call the Ministry's Employment Standards Information Centre at 1-800-531-5551. For TTY, call1-866-567-8893.

Canada Labour Code

Some industries are covered by laws made by the Government of Canada that apply throughout the country.

These industries include banks, airlines, some trucking businesses, and broadcasting.

Workers in these industries are covered by the Canada Labour Code. Like the ESA, the Canada Labour Code sets out minimum standards that employers must follow.

Your employer must have a regular payday if you're covered by Part III of the Canada Labour Code. And they must pay your within 30 days of when you earned them.

You can learn more in the Government of Canada's Getting paid for work.

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