2. Prepare the continuing record


Each new application or a final order starts a new volume to the continuing record. Each new volume is numbered sequentially.

Record Cover

The endorsements volume will have a yellow cover that includes the court number and names of the in the case.

The documents volume will have a red cover if you're the , and a blue cover if you're the .

Contents of the Continuing Record

Table of contents

There will be one table of contents in the endorsements volume. In it, you and your partner:

  • list all documents in your case in the order they are filed
  • write the volume where the document is located
  • write the tab number that locates the document
  • write the kind of document, for example, an Affidavit of Service
  • write which filed the document, for example the applicant or the respondent
  • write the date the document is filed


The endorsements section of the endorsements volume must be identified by a tab or divider. It will have at least three blank sheets of paper for the judge to write their decision, reasons if any, and the date.


The orders section of the endorsements volume must be identified by a tab or divider. It will have all the orders made in your case.


The documents volume has most of the documents you and your partner file in your case, including Applications, Answers, Replies, affidavits of service, financial statements, motions, affidavits, and briefs. It does not include briefs or briefs.

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