4. Get emotional support

You can talk to someone you trust about the abuse, such as a doctor, nurse, lawyer, or social worker.

A friend or family member might be able to support you. But sometimes they feel that they must take sides. Or, they might not understand how important your privacy is. This may happen if they are friends with both you and your partner.

There are professionals you can talk to about your situation. They can also help you leave an abusive relationship.

For emergency, 24-hour a day telephone support, you can call:

You can call these emergency helplines anonymously. This means you do not have to give your name and contact information.

You can also call your local shelter for abused women. Most shelters have staff available 24 hours a day to answer you call. You can also arrange to go to the shelter to meet with someone.

To meet with someone, you can also contact:

Most people who work with children must report if they think that a child is being abused or neglected to the . If they don't, the police can charge them with a crime. This includes teachers, doctors, nurses, daycare workers, family counsellors, social workers, and religious leaders. They can be fined up to $1,000 if they fail to report their suspicions of harm.

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