3. Think about options other than a noise complaint
Question & Answer
I have a noise complaint. What can I do?If you have a problem with noise, you have a few options:
Talk to the person
Think about speaking to the person making the noise to see if they are able to correct the problem. You can do this in person or by email or letter. If you send an email or letter, you should keep a copy for your records.
Talk to your landlord
If you’re a tenant you can try talking to your landlord. Or, if you live in a condominium, review your condo’s bylaws and rules. Most bylaws will have rules about noise.
Some cities partner with outside organizations to offer free or low-cost community-mediation services as a way of resolving disputes between landlords and tenants, or between tenants. Some services, like York Region Housing Mediation Services, can work with people who live anywhere in Ontario. The goal of mediation is to try to find a solution that works for everybody and that everyone will follow.
Sue in civil court
You might be able to file a lawsuit in civil court for “nuisance”. Nuisance is when someone does something that keeps you from using and enjoying your property. For example, if someone creates serious noise that keeps you from sleeping. For more information about suing in Small Claims Court, read the question: How can I sue in Small Claims Court?