What if my employer appeals a WSIB decision?
If the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) decides that you should get benefits, your employer may the decision.
In this case the WSIB will send you a letter to tell you how you can participate in the appeal. The letter will include a Worker Participant Form and a copy of all the documents that the WSIB has about your claim.
If you want to be involved in the appeal, you have to complete the Worker Participant Form and send it to the WSIB within 30 days of when you received the letter. It is usually good to participate in the appeal so that the WSIB understands your point of view.
When your employer appeals the WSIB decision, they may ask to see your medical information in your claims file. The WSIB will ask if you are against this and why. The WSIB will make a decision about whether to give your medical information to the employer.
Why employers appeal decisions
Your employer might not think that your injury was caused by your work or that you are really having difficulty getting back to work.
Employers also appeal sometimes because the premiums they pay to the WSIB can go up based on the amount of benefits their employees get. It is similar to how your insurance premiums can go up after you make an insurance claim for a car accident.