We’re married. What happens to CPP benefits if we separate or one of us dies?

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is a type of pension plan that most workers and employers contribute to. You earn CPP credits as you work. When you retire or can't work because of a disability, you can apply to get pension payments.

This is different from a pension plan your employer may have.

After separation or divorce

If you lived with your partner for at least one year, you can apply to Service Canada to have the CPP credits that you and your partner earned while living together added up and then divided evenly. This is sometimes called “dividing CPP credits”, a “credit split”, or a “Division of Unadjusted Pensionable Earnings”.

If you earned less than your partner, a credit split may help you qualify for a pension. If you already qualify for a pension, it might increase the amount of your pension.

When partners divide their property and debts after they separate or , they don't include CPP credits in that calculation. This is because the law says that your CPP credits are not part of this calculation. They are divided separately.

Time limits

If you're still married, you must wait until you've been separated for at least one year before you apply for a credit split. Usually, there is no time limit to apply. But, if your partner died after you separated and you didn't get divorced before they died, you must apply within 3 years of your partner's death.

If you divorced on or after January 1, 1987, you can apply for a credit split at any time.

Common-law partners who have lived together for at least one year can also apply for a credit split, but there are some different rules about when they can apply.

Survivor's pension

If your partner dies, you may be able to get a benefit called the CPP survivor's pension. You can qualify if: 

  • your partner contributed enough to their CPP, and 
  • you were married when they died. 

If you were separated from your partner when they died, you may still qualify. You qualify if your partner was not living with a common-law partner and you either: 

  • did not get a CPP credit split, or 
  • were approved for a CPP credit split before January 1, 2025. 

There is no time limit to apply. But you should apply as soon as you can.  

CPP gives you benefits for the months dating back to your partner's death, but they do not go back more than one year before the date you apply. If you apply more than a year after your partner died, you will not get some of your survivor's pension.  

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