3. Apply to the VQRP+
Question & Answer
I’m a crime victim. Can I get money for expenses related to the crime?When you report a crime to the police or to the community victim support agency, they might believe you're eligible for the Victim Quick Response Program (VQRP+). If so, they usually refer you to a local organization that provides VQRP+ services.
These local organizations offer Victim Crisis Assistance and Referral Services (VCARS). They also help you apply to the VQRP+ if you are eligible.
You can also search the Victim Services Directory to find the VQRP+ service delivery organizations in your community. Or you can call the Victim Support Line at 1-888-579-2888 or 416-314-2447.
After you call and speak to your local service provider organization to make sure you're eligible, a caseworker will start the application process. The caseworker usually sends you the service agreement and any required forms within a week. But if your request is urgent, you might get help the same day.
Staff at your local VQRP+ service delivery organization can help you with the application process. They can also refer you to the right community supports.
Many agencies accept VQRP+ applications over the phone or using video conference.
Because the VQRP+ is run by different organizations across the province, the details about how the program works and the application process can be different for each organization. But you always have to sign a service agreement to say that you can't afford the expenses you're asking the VQRP+ to cover.
Serious personal injury expenses
When you apply for help with expenses related to a serious personal injury, you also need to have a medical professional fill out a confirmation form. The VQRP+ service organization will give you this form. The form asks your medical care provider if:
- you have a serious physical health problem
- your health problems substantially prevent you from working or taking care of yourself
- your physical health problem was directly caused by a crime that happened in the last year
Before you apply, you will need to know:
- the date of the crime
- the type of crime
- the date the police or an agency were told about the crime
It's a good idea to have:
- photos of your injuries
- details about your injuries
- the dates and reasons you visited a health professional
- information about any medicine or treatment the health professional asked you to take
You should also keep copies of:
- the police report
- hospital records
- receipts for the expenses and services you want VQRP+ to pay for
Some organizations might also interview you as part of the application process.
The VQRP+ decides if you qualify and how much money you get. You will not have a court or tribunal .
The deadline to apply to the VQRP+ for your immediate needs is 45 days from the date of the crime. Immediate needs can include:
- cleaning up the crime scene
- emergency expenses for your home and personal safety
The deadline to apply for any short-term counselling or traditional Indigenous health services is usually 6 months from the date of the crime.
The deadline to apply for support is one year from the date of the crime if you:
- suffered a serious injury because of the crime
- are the immediate family member of a homicide victim
- are a victim of human trafficking
The rules for children are different.