4. Go to mediation
Question & Answer
What can I do if I disagree with a Ministry of Labour decision?After you give your application to the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB), a will contact you to set up a meeting between you and your employer. Mediators are also called Labour Relations Officers.
The mediator will try to help you and your employer reach an agreement. If you can agree, the OLRB won't need to have a hearing.
The mediator usually meets with you and your employer by videoconference or telephone but the meeting could be in person. You should have any documents and other evidence ready that you want to talk about at the meeting.
If you and your employer sign an agreement, the OLRB can accept your agreement as its decision.
If you and your employer don't reach an agreement, your application will go to a hearing with the OLRB.
Mediation and the hearing are separate processes. So, at the hearing, you will have to present your evidence again.