Enforce your order
Question & Answer
What happens after my family law trial?Even though you may have a , sometimes one won't follow it. You may need the court's help to enforce the order by having the court order your partner to follow it.
Most and orders are enforced by the (FRO).
The FRO is a government agency that collects support payments from the person who has to pay them, sends the payments to the person who has to get it, and makes sure child support and spousal support payments are made.
If your partner misses payments, the FRO can take action to enforce the order or agreement. For example, if your partner doesn't pay support, the FRO can order their employer to deduct money from their wages, suspend their driver's licence, or start a court case that can result in jail time.
If you have a court order that deals with child support or spousal support, the court sends the Support Deduction Order Information form and the Support Deduction Order to the FRO to enforce the support order.
Terms other than support
If your order is about or , which used to be called and , you may have to go back to court if your partner isn’t following the court order. You can go to court to change the order or to ask the court to find your partner in contempt.
A contempt order means asking the judge to decide that your partner knew about the order and did not follow it on purpose. This is a complicated court process and is not used often.