1. Ask for a Stage 1 review
Question & Answer
DSO says I don’t qualify for services and supports. What can I do?You can ask the local Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) office to review their decision if they tell you that you don't qualify for services and supports.
You only have 25 business days from the date on the letter to ask for the review. If you want a review but more than 25 days have passed, get legal help.
Keep the letter and the envelope from DSO so you can prove when you got the decision.
You must ask for a review in writing. In your letter, include:
- your name and address
- the date on the letter giving their decision
- the date you got the letter
- why you don't agree with the decision
- more information to show that you qualify for services and supports
You can also ask for a meeting to talk about the decision.
Sign and date your letter. Keep a copy of it.
You can bring your letter to the DSO office in person, or you can send it by fax or mail. Use the office address on the letter you received with their decision.
If you deliver the letter in person, ask for a receipt to prove when you delivered it. If you fax it, get a report from the fax machine to show the date the fax was sent. If you mail it, make a note of the date you put it in the mail.
The DSO must give you a new decision within 15 business days of your letter asking for a review. If you disagree with the new decision, you can ask for a Stage 2 review.