1. Choose your housing selections carefully
When you fill out an for rent-geared-to-income (RGI) housing, you must answer questions about:
- the size of your
- any specific needs you have
- what buildings you would like to apply for
If your offers a unit in a building you selected and you say no, your household might be removed from the housing waitlist. You would have to apply for housing again.
So it's important to think very carefully about whether you could really live in the homes you choose on the application form. For example:
- Can I climb stairs or do I need an elevator?
- I am a smoker. Am I allowed to smoke in this building?
- Is there a bus route near this home so I can get around town?
If you change your mind about living in a certain building after you file your application, tell your service manager. You are allowed to change your building choices while you are on the waitlist.