Respond to any papers from your landlord

Notice to End your Tenancy

If your landlord has given you one of these forms, read it carefully to see if there is a way for you to cancel the before your landlord applies to the (LTB):

For example, if the notice is for non-payment of rent, you can cancel it by paying the rent within the time limit.

Application to the Landlord and Tenant Board

You might get a LTB form whose title starts with “Application to a tenant”, “Application to end a ” or “Application to collect rent”, especially Forms L1, L2, or L10.

Application to evict a tenant or end a tenancy

This means your landlord has applied to the LTB to have you evicted.

You will have to do at least one of the following:

And if the is about non-payment of rent, you can also stop the eviction by paying the rent plus the landlord's costs.

If you do nothing, the LTB will probably make an eviction order against you.

Applications to collect rent

If you get an Application to Collect Rent the Tenant Owes (Form L9), it means your landlord is asking the LTB to make you pay but not to have you evicted. In this case, your options are similar to the list above, except you do not have to move out, and the LTB cannot make an eviction against you.

If you get an Application to Collect Rent A Former Tenant Owes (Form L10), it means your landlord is asking the LTB to make you pay rent you owe, after you've already moved out of the rental unit. In this case you will have to go to a hearing, even if you make an agreement your landlord. You won't get a notice like an N4 before your landlord files this application. You will just get the application and the Notice of Hearing.

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