2. Work with the landlord to find a solution

You're responsible for co-operating with your landlord so they can find the best solution.

Sometimes a building can be adjusted in different ways to help you with your mobility issues. You may have a certain plan in mind, but your landlord may have another that will also your mobility issue. And sometimes a change in policy about how certain parts of the building can be used might solve your issue without making any physical changes to the building.

For example, the policy might say that only guests can park in front of the building where the accessible entrance is located and residents park at the back. But the walk from resident parking to the front accessible entrance may be too far for you. Instead of asking the landlord to build another accessible entrance at the back, the landlord could change the policy to allow you to park in the front.

Try suggesting solutions instead of just saying what the problems are. You understand your mobility issues the best. If something works better for you, tell your landlord. And if certain options really don't work for you, tell them that too.

Respect for dignity

As much as possible, the solutions should allow you to use the building just like everyone else. The solution should respect your dignity and not put you in a situation where you're treated “less than” the other residents. For example, the landlord cannot suggest you use the garbage collection entrance because there's already a ramp there. And they cannot suggest that you use the main entrance only when someone else is available to help you go up and down the stairs.

Explore options

Sometimes you may come up with options you didn't know about by discussing the situation with the landlord. For example, the landlord may know that a tenant is moving out of a unit on the ground floor that will be easier for you to access. If that's something you're interested in, then  this might be a faster option than trying to build a new elevator.

You don't have to accept an option that doesn't work for you.

It's a good idea to keep notes or records of your discussions with your landlord.

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