1. Check the deadline for starting your appeal
Beware of scams
People have been getting phone calls with a pre-recorded message telling them their Ontario Works account has been deleted.
This is a scam to trick you into sharing your personal information. If you get a call like that, hang up the phone. You can report these calls to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.
Question & Answer
How do I appeal an OW decision to the Social Benefits Tribunal?You can start your appeal to the (SBT) as soon as you ask for an internal review.
You must ask for an before you can start your appeal. But you do not have to wait for an internal review decision.
You start your appeal by completing the SBT's Appeal Form. See more in Step 3.
Deadline for sending in your Appeal Form
After asking for an internal review | Deadline for sending Appeal Form to the SBT |
If you get a decision within 30 days of asking for an internal review | Send the Appeal Form within 30 days of the date you get the internal review decision |
If you do not get a decision within 30 days of asking for an internal review | Send the Appeal Form within 60 days of the date you asked for an internal review |
If OW sent you an internal review decision by mail
If OW mails its decision, the rules say that you get it 3 days after they mail it to you. So your deadline is no later than 33 days from the mailing date.
There should be a mailing date stamped on the envelope by Canada Post. It might not be the same as the date on the decision.
Always keep the letter and the envelope so you can prove when you got the decision.
If you miss the deadline
If you miss the deadline for sending in the Appeal Form, you can ask for more time. You should explain on the form why you're late.
A community legal clinic may be able to help you if you need to explain why you missed the deadline.