4. Learn how to sign up

To use MyBenefits, you need a smart phone, computer, or tablet with internet access. And you must be using the latest version of one of these internet browsers:

When you apply for benefits

When you apply for benefits online, you can choose to open a MyBenefits account.

If you start getting benefits, you continue to use the MyBenefits account you already have.

When you’re getting benefits

You need the following information to create your MyBenefits account and confirm who you are:

  • your member identification number, which is a 9-digit number that's on all the monthly statements and letters you get
  • the email address that's on your file with Ontario Works (OW) or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

If you did not give OW or ODSP an email address, you need to do this.

Start with a My Ontario Account

To get a MyBenefits account, you first need to have a My Ontario Account.

You can sign up for this using:

  • an email address and password, or
  • a sign-in partner.

A sign-in-partner is a bank where you have an online banking account. Check which banks can do this.

If you use this option, you sign in using your online banking information and it generates a My Ontario Account for you.

Create your MyBenefits account

After you get a My Ontario Account, you create your MyBenefits account. You do this by confirming who you are using:

  • your member identification number, and
  • the email address that OW or ODSP has in your file.

If you have a trustee

A trustee is someone who manages your OW or ODSP benefits and reports any changes to your caseworker for you.

There are special rules for using MyBenefits if you have a trustee. Find out more on the MyBenefits help page under Trustee Access.

Read more about trustees in:

Can Ontario Works pay my assistance to someone else for me?

Can ODSP pay my assistance to someone else for me?

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