4. Know your options if you aren’t covered by WSIB

If your type of employment is not covered by , you may be able to take your employer or someone else to court to get payments for:

  • you didn't get paid because of your injury
  • expenses you had because of your injury

You need to get legal advice about how to do this. There are time limits if you go to court, so get legal advice as soon as you can.

Employer benefits

Your employer might also have other benefits that you can get, such as:

  • sick leave or some other “wage loss benefit”, which is money that replaces wages you don't get while you're injured
  • short-term or long-term insurance
  • health care benefits, such as physiotherapy, chiropractic care, medications, crutches, and other medical devices

Other types of benefits

And if you aren't covered by workers' compensation, there may be other types of benefits that you can apply for, such as:

It can be helpful to get legal advice about your options if you're not covered by workers' compensation.

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