1. Decide if you can pay before your landlord applies to the LTB

To start the eviction process, your landlord must give you a Form N4: Notice to End your Tenancy Early for Non-payment of Rent with details about what you owe and when you must pay. If you get this , check it carefully to see if it's filled out completely. The (LTB) could stop your landlord from evicting you if the notice does not follow all the rules.

If your landlord offers a payment agreement

Your landlord might ask you to sign a payment agreement before or after they give a N4 notice.

Usually, the landlord doesn't offer any rent forgiveness. They just give you more time to pay the full amount you owe. If you make the payments in full in the extra time you've agreed to, your landlord won't take the next step and file an L1  with the LTB.

Your landlord might also ask you to sign another document that says you agree to move out if you don't keep up with the payment agreement. This document might be a Form N9: Tenant’s Notice to End the Tenancy or a Form N11: Agreement to End the Tenancy. You should never sign anything like this unless you're sure you want to move out.

If you don't sign a payment agreement and your landlord applies to the LTB to you, you'll still have a chance to:

  • pay your rent,
  • negotiate a payment agreement, or
  • ask the LTB to give you more time to pay.
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