2. Explain the problem and ask for remedies
Question & Answer
Can I take my landlord to the LTB if they won’t fix something?
Housing Law Guided Pathways: Form T6
Fill out tenant application about maintenance or repair problems
In Part 2 of the form, there is a large box for you to explain the repair or maintenance problem. You can add extra pages if this is not enough room. Give dates and as much detail as you can, for example:
- what the problem is (if there is more than one, list them all)
- what caused the problem
- when each problem started
- how long it has been going on
- when you told your landlord about it
- what they have done to fix it
In Part 3 of the form, you choose what kind of orders you want the (LTB) to make. These orders are sometimes called .
For example, you can ask the LTB to your landlord to:
- do any needed repair, maintenance or pest control work (Remedy 6)
- repay you some of the rent you paid during the time that the problems were happening (Remedy 1)
- repay you for money you spent to fix the problem (Remedy 4)
- repay you for money that you had to spend or that you lost because of the problem (for example, money you spent if you had to move out for a short of time or if you had to replace spoiled food or eat in restaurants) (Remedy 3)
- pay you for your belongings that were damaged or destroyed because of the problem (Remedy 2)
- repay your moving costs if you moved out of the unit because the repair or maintenance problems were very serious (Remedies 3 and 9)
- pay you for the disruption of your life and mental distress that you suffered (Remedy 9)
The LTB also has other powers. Try to get legal advice to make sure you ask for everything you might be able to get in your case.