4. Give your landlord the notice
Question & Answer
How do I give notice to move out of a retirement home or care home?After you fill out and sign your , you need to know how to give it to your landlord. This is sometimes called serving the notice.
You can mail or fax the notice. You can give it to your landlord in person. You can also deliver the notice to your landlord's agent. An agent is someone who works for your landlord, for example, the superintendent or someone who works in the property manager's office.
You can only email the notice if your landlord has given you permission in writing to send them things this way. For example, the landlord might have said email was okay in a text message or in your rental agreement. You can use the 's Consent to Service by Email form to ask for permission. Or you can ask for permission in a different way.
Keep proof you sent the notice
It's important to keep a copy of the notice, along with something to prove when you served it. If you give the notice to the landlord or agent in person, you can ask them to sign and date your copy. Or you can take someone with you to watch you the notice. If you fax the notice, keep a copy of the fax confirmation sheet.
If you mail your notice, keep a record of when you mailed it. The best way to do this is to get a receipt from the post office. Remember that the law says you must allow an extra 5 days for your landlord to receive the notice by mail. So, for example, if you need to serve the notice by June 1, and you want to do it by mail, you will have to mail it no later than May 27.
IMPORTANT: Before you give notice, be sure that you really want to move out. If you do not move out when your notice says you will, your landlord can apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board to have you evicted. Your landlord can do this without telling you or giving you any papers.