1. Co-operate with the WSIB

If your Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) case manager asks you questions about the report you give them about your accident, you must answer the questions as best you can.

To get benefits from the WSIB, you must co-operate with them and your employer.

If the WSIB decides that you're not co-operating and you don't have a good reason for doing this, they can reduce or take away your benefits and services until you do co-operate.

What co-operating means

To co-operate, means that you:

  • give the WSIB any information they ask for so they can make decisions about your injury
  • tell your employer about your injury as soon as possible
  • keep in touch with your employer to discuss returning to work if you've been off work because of your injury
  • co-operate with the WSIB and your employer when you go back to work, either doing your regular job or different duties that your employer is able to give you
  • do what your doctor and other health professionals say that you need to do to get better
  • go to any medical appointments that the WSIB says you need to go to

Co-operating also includes signing the Worker's Report of Injury/Disease (Form 6). Doing this means that you agree that any health professionals who treat you can give information to the WSIB and your employer about what work you're able to do, even though you've been injured.

You must also tell the WSIB about any important changes to your:

  • health
  • abilities
  • income
  • job status
  • availability to return to work

that may impact your rights to WSIB benefits. You can call or write to your case manager and you must do this within 10 days of when there's a change.

Getting help if you don’t understand

If you don't understand what the case manager tells you or writes to you, ask them to explain it in a different way.

If you have difficulty speaking, hearing, or writing for any reason, tell the WSIB about this.  The law says that they have to make sure that you have the help you need to understand what's happening with your claim.

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