3. Get a copy of your file

You may want to get a copy of your WSIB file to keep for yourself. You may also review the file to decide whether you want to the case manager's decision.

Your WSIB file contains:

  • Notes of all of the conversations you, your employer or witnesses to your injury have with someone at the WSIB
  • A copy of the letters the Board writes to you
  • A copy of all the letters you write to the Board
  • Medical reports and other papers about your claim

If you want a copy of your file, contact the WSIB. In your letter, you should provide them with your and request a copy of your file. Make sure your letter is dated and includes your signature.

Fax is the best way to send written requests to the WSIB. If you have access to a fax machine, the fax number is 1-888-313-7373 or 416-344-4684.

If you can't send by fax, you can mail your request to:

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board

200 Front Street West

Toronto ON M5V 3J1

You will usually get a copy of your claim file about 2 months after you request it.

The WSIB should send you a letter letting you know that they're preparing a copy of your file. If the WSIB does not do this within 3 weeks of when you asked for your file, call them.

Their numbers are 1-800-387-0750, 416-344-1000, or 1-800-387-0050 (TTY).

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