Can I get money and treatment while I wait for a WSIB decision?

Waiting times

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) might get back to you about your claim within 2 weeks.

But if your injury or claim is complicated, the WSIB can take 12 weeks or more to decide about your claim.

And if you appeal a decision, it can take years to get a decision about your and the decision might not be what you wanted.

Some options while waiting

Even waiting 2 weeks can be a long time if you're not getting paid or getting treatment.

Talk to your employer and your doctor about what you can do while waiting for the WSIB to make a decision. See Steps 1 and 2 below.

You can also check to see if you have any type of loan insurance that might cover your expenses while you're off work because of your injury. See Step 3 below.

You may want to apply for government assistance, such as Ontario Works (OW), the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) or Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits (CPP). See Step 4.

A community legal clinic or injured workers' group may also be able to help you decide what steps to take while you're waiting for the WSIB to decide about your claim. See Step 5 below.

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