5. Learn about SBT appeals
Beware of scams
People have been getting phone calls with a pre-recorded message telling them their Ontario Works account has been deleted.
This is a scam to trick you into sharing your personal information. If you get a call like that, hang up the phone. You can report these calls to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.
Question & Answer
I disagree with a decision from OW. What can I do?Some Ontario Works (OW) decisions can be appealed to the (SBT).
But even if you can appeal to the SBT, you have to first ask for an . See Step 2.
Decisions you can appeal
You can appeal to the SBT if the decision is about:
- getting on assistance
- changing the amount of assistance you get
- having your assistance cut off
- having an
- sending your cheque to a trustee, if you're 18 or older
You can also appeal other types of decisions that affect you, such as whether:
- you or someone you live with qualifies for a special diet allowance
- OW will give you an employment and training start-up allowance to pay for certain costs related to working or training
- OW will pay for certain health care supplies or travel costs that you have for medical reasons
Decisions you cannot appeal
You cannot appeal to the SBT if the decision is about:
- getting “discretionary benefits”, such as paying for a funeral
- making payments to someone else, for example, if OW decides to pay your rent directly to your landlord
- getting emergency assistance
- sending your cheque to a trustee, if you're younger than 18 years old
- refusing to give you extra time to ask for an internal review
If a decision cannot be appealed
Even if the law says that a decision cannot be appealed, you can still ask OW for an internal review.
Explain why you think the decision should be changed and include any information that supports your reasons.
If OW refused to give you extra time to ask for an internal review, talk to a community legal clinic about other things you might be able to do.
If you’re not sure
If you're not sure if you can appeal the decision, you can still start an appeal.
Talk to a community legal clinic if you want to appeal a decision but aren't sure if you can.