All questions by topic
Getting hired
When I apply for a job, what can an employer ask me?
18,454How old do I need to be to work?
47,505This is my first job in Canada. What do I need to work?
27,525Can an employer charge me money to get hired?
26,129What does it mean to be hired on probation?
20,341Can an employer ask me if I have a police record?
31,216What if an employer wants me to sign a contract?
20,149Should I be paid for training or for working a trial shift?
61,905Why is an employer saying I have to be an independent contractor?
21,248What if I’m not hired because an employer discriminates against me?
17,929Getting paid
How much does my employer have to pay me?
35,739Does my employer have to pay me for public holidays?
189,088Does my employer have to pay me overtime?
27,821Can an employer ask me to sign an overtime agreement?
26,150Can I keep tips that I get at work?
7,891Does my employer have to pay me for vacation?
173,551Should I be paid for training or for working a trial shift?
61,905What must my employer put on my pay stub?
10,191What can my employer take from my pay?
31,352Do Ontario’s laws about pay apply to me?
13,495Hours of work and breaks
What are the rules about how many hours I have to work?
48,993What breaks should I get at work?
110,211Does my employer have to give me a schedule or minimum hours of work?
145,840What if my employer asks me to work extra hours?
46,792Family responsibilities
Can I stay home from work to care for a family member because of COVID-19?
23,883Time off work
When can I take a leave from work because of COVID-19?
6,858Can I stay home from work to care for a family member because of COVID-19?
23,883Do I have to work on public holidays?
41,234Does my employer have to pay me for public holidays?
189,088How much vacation time do I get?
66,676Does my employer have to pay me for vacation?
173,551Can I take time off for sickness or personal emergencies?
14,781Can I get time off work for a family sickness or other crisis?
28,065I’m pregnant. What are my rights as a worker?
17,487I’m going to be a parent. What are my rights as a worker?
20,081Getting fired or laid off
How do I get a copy of my Record of Employment (ROE)?
58,263Can I be fired without any notice?
48,901I’ve been fired. How much notice should I get?
88,674What is severance pay?
161,985I’ve been fired. Does my employer have to give me a reason?
81,294I’ve been fired. When do I get my paperwork and pay?
91,464My employer says I’m suspended without pay. What does this mean?
82,714What if my employer forces me to leave my job?
53,336Employment Insurance
How do I get a copy of my Record of Employment (ROE)?
58,263Can I get EI if I quit my job?
186,100I lost my job for reasons beyond my control. Can I get EI?
27,214Can I get EI if my employer fired me for doing something wrong?
47,347How do I apply for EI benefits?
63,352I’m going to be a parent. Can I get EI?
22,707I am too sick to work. Can I get EI?
66,373I am caring for an adult who is very sick. Can I get EI?
43,846I am caring for a child who is very sick. Can I get EI?
14,110I qualified for EI. What must I do to continue getting my benefits?
28,715What can I do if I am not happy with a decision about my EI claim?
21,357Human rights at work
What can I do if I am being harassed at work?
75,067What can I do if I’m discriminated against because of my race?
2,388What can I do if I’ve been sexually harassed at work?
2,555When I apply for a job, what can an employer ask me?
18,454How old do I need to be to work?
47,505Can an employer ask me if I have a police record?
31,216Can an employer make me take a drug or alcohol test?
10,425Can my employer tell me what to wear at work?
16,917What if I’m not hired because an employer discriminates against me?
17,929What can I do if I experience discrimination?
34,216I have a disability. What are my rights at work?
12,950I’m an independent contractor with a disability. Do I have rights at work?
4,147My employer keeps asking me when I’m going to retire. Can they do that?
3,625What are my rights at work to do things to follow my religion?
8,676I need to care for a family member. What does my employer have to do?
47,555I’m pregnant. What are my rights as a worker?
17,487I’m going to be a parent. What are my rights as a worker?
20,081I’m transgender or non-binary. What are my rights at work?
7,058Does my union have to accommodate me?
9,657Safety at work
What can I do if I have a hearing or consultation at the OLRB?
9,148I don’t agree with a Ministry of Labour inspector. What can I do?
10,063What health and safety rules apply to my job?
10,393What do I need to know about the dangers in my workplace?
5,157What should I do if my work is not safe?
30,660What do I do to keep my workplace safe? What does my boss have to do?
15,558What can I do if someone at work is being violent or threatening me?
70,408What can I do if I am being harassed at work?
75,067How can I change our safety policies at work?
3,834What do health and safety reps and Joint Health and Safety Committee do?
18,670Can I be punished for complaining about safety issues at work?
13,161How do I complain to the OLRB if I was punished for complaining about safety?
7,446Injured at work
What can I do if I am being harassed at work?
75,067What type of benefits can I get from the WSIB?
41,161How do I know if I’m covered by workers’ compensation benefits?
34,967What should I do if I get hurt or injured at work?
51,995I wasn’t at work when I got hurt. Can this be a work injury?
9,264I didn’t have an accident but I hurt myself at work. What can I do?
8,890How and when must I report a workplace injury or illness?
32,411What is my employer supposed to do after I report a work injury?
26,665My employer wants me to have an injury “assessment”. What should I do?
8,931Can my employer make me take wages or sick pay instead of a WSIB claim?
10,782The WSIB knows I’ve been injured at work. What happens next?
7,399What do I need to know when I’m dealing with the WSIB case manager?
30,930Can I get money and treatment while I wait for a WSIB decision?
29,665What can I do if I disagree with a WSIB decision?
19,470What if my employer appeals a WSIB decision?
11,945How do I get back to work after an injury?
12,116Unions in the workplace
I have a union at work. How does this affect my rights as a worker?
21,423I have a problem with my employer. How can my union help me?
10,552Do I have the right to be represented by a union?
16,275Does my union have to accommodate me?
9,657What can I do if my union won’t help me?
71,343Migrant workers
I came to Canada as a domestic worker. What are my rights?
1,655I came to Canada to pick and harvest crops. What are my rights?
1,149I came to Canada to work on a farm. What are my rights?
1,790I’m a temporary foreign worker. What are my rights?
1,462Claiming your rights as a worker
What laws apply to me as a worker?
28,369Where can I get help and advice about my rights as a worker?
46,667How do I prepare for my meeting with a lawyer or paralegal?
6,490Can my employer punish me if I act on my rights?
17,328How do I complain to the OLRB if I was punished for complaining about safety?
7,446How do I make an employment claim with the Ministry of Labour?
30,274What happens after I start a claim with the Ministry of Labour?
24,963What can I do if I have a hearing or consultation at the OLRB?
9,148I don’t agree with a Ministry of Labour inspector. What can I do?
10,063What can I do if I disagree with a Ministry of Labour decision?
11,472How do I make a claim against my employer to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario?
22,985Can I sue my former employer in court?
24,165How do I sue my former employer in Small Claims Court?
16,813I made a Small Claims Court claim against my employer. What do I do next?
7,007Small Claims Court ordered my employer to pay me. How do I get the money?